Thursday, January 28, 2010

School Preparations. . . A post from Judi!

Reyna is going to start going to school with James, so Judi is slowly introducing her to everything associated with that, inculding the bus ride. Here is an update from Judi:

James and Reyna standing in front of the bus
Just thought I would let you know how our trip to the bus went. Had a little of everything....lots of cars going by both ways. Reyna was really good. She sat with James and his friends. There were the two kids with James and then there was a group of kids who were really out of control. We avoided the group that was out of control. Reyna was great when the bus came. She walked up and looked at as if she was ready to get on with James. (Not yet, but soon Miss Reyna!) We walked back and encountered a huge truck and trailer. I put her in a sit on the corner to watch it because of the noise. Two bicycles went by and she had no reaction to them. Yay!

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