Monday, March 15, 2010

Reyna’s Adventures with Judi!

We had a pretty quiet week until the weekend. We did a long walk on Thursday with Cody and Reyna was very well behaved. She didn't react to bicycles going by or cars coming up behind her. She is still interested in the water flowing in gutters and did kind of her hoppy thing, but we negotiated that a couple of times and then it was over.

Reyna and Cody, Judi's other dog, laying next to one another.

Saturday was our big day in Broadway plaza. We went shopping in Macy's stopped at the makeup counter. She was perfect - she just laid down at my feet, then on up the the Bra department where we both decided that nothing looked right as you can see from the photo.

Reyna in a sit in front of a mirror in the dressing room.

Then we went over to Nordstrom to the hosiery and shoe department From the pictures you can see she was a big help with the shoes, even trying to suggest a pair but once again no luck.

Reyna sitting in front of a shoe rack at Nordstrom's.

Reyna showing Judi what shoes she think she should buy.  What a great shopping buddy!

We then went out and sat by the fountain for a while always lots to see and plenty of activity. Then we went on up the street to the Sprint store, so while crossing the street, a skateboarder went right by us and Reyna had no reaction. Yay! Then we went back through Broadway Plaza. There were lots of dogs and kids out, but she was great. Sunday we went walking around the Layafette reservoir and she was just fabulous. We had soooo many dogs going by and she had no reaction to any of them. She was interested and looked at them, but she was not trying to meet of them. It was a start and stop walk because of the babies, they both wanted to get out and walk beside their strollers and Reyna was very good about just slowing down and keeping pace.

Reyna with Judi's grand children at the Lafayette Resevior.

Ok, so if this wasn't a dog distraction I don't know what is. We were walking up the last hill and there was two girls with a stroller and a very small, tiny dog on a leash and two cats in the stroller. One cat on top and one inside the stroller, plus a big pit bull puppy who was really interested in meeting Reyna, but Reyna was so good she just walked on by. Then on to the park were she sat quietly while the babies played for a while.

So then we went home to change and then went over to my brothers where everyone just loved Reyna! She had her best house manners and went out to the back yard were we let her relieve. She played so well with the kids out there and she never got over excited. She just kind of enjoyed being on the grass and was enjoying the weather. Dinner was inside and she just laid at my feet and then after dinner I found her a quiet spot away from all the foot traffic and put her in a down stay, which even my brothers Pug could not get her out of.

Then we went home with a VERY tired puppy. She was so tired when we went to bed she just flopped on the floor and didn't move in the bedroom even when Cody walked around her and got in her Favorite spot. But I noticed this morning that she was back in her spot and Cody was on the other side of the bed......anyway that's Reyna’s Adventures for the week with the Rowe’s. WE sure do love her.

Reyna laying on the floor of the car with her head resting on the passengers seat.

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