Monday, June 21, 2010

Guide dog pup or agility dog?

Reyna and Jesse after doing the agility course.  They are sitting in from of a jump with huge smiles on thier faces and their tongues hanging out of their mouth!

Yesterday, we went to my sisters house for a Father’s Day BBQ.   My sister has a dog named Jesse, who is an Australian Sheppard.  My niece, Sara, who is a little dog trainer in the making, has made a make shift agility course out of garden tools and other things in the yard.  She has trained her dog Jesse to run trough the course.  She really wanted to see if Reyna could do it, so I told her she could try it.  I thought it would be good for Reyna’s confidence. It took some time, but before long Sara had Reyna going over the jumps and running through the course.  The course started with a jump, then she had to run up the stairs of a slide and then run down the slide, jump over a few polls on the ground, then it ended with another jump.  At first, Reyna would go around the jumps, but eventually she got the idea from watching Jesse do it and from Sara encouraging her .  The photo above was taken after both the dogs completed the course.  Think they enjoyed it?

Here are a a couple of video clips I got as Sara was teaching Reyna how to do the obstacles.

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